Um lugar para os que são, os que ainda não são e os que não vão chegar a ser, conversarem e trocarem experiências.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No fim

we all bear the scars

yeah, we all feign a laugh

we all cry in the dark

get cut off before we start

and as your first act begins

you realise they're all waiting

for a fall, for a flaw, for the end

and there's a past stained with tears

could you talk to quiet my fears

could you pull me aside

just to acknowledge that i've tried

as your last breath begins

contently take it in

cause we all get it in

the end

and as your last breath begins

you find your demon's your best friend

and we all get it in

the end


Blogger S.A.M said...

Que bom!

Estou te prestigiando pelo seu retorno!


bEIJO E bom findi!

5:03 AM

Blogger K. said...

por algum motivo, me fez lembrar de kylie

we all get hurt by love
and we all have our cross to bear

5:23 PM

Blogger Rafael said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:14 AM

Blogger David® said...

Amo essa mú duas versões.

6:23 PM


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